Revolutions and developments will be happened in man and society by itself.The best revolutions are occured in the society and the world only when the man and the society take the sword for the goodness and growth by breaking the immatured dreams and stupid thoughts. There the manifold deveopments take birth.

The world was in complete darkness even when the human society was created in mid western Asian countries or around the Arabian desert.The days were always bad in the world even after the growth of business minded tribes and the world as such.The Arabic trades, Mughal Empires growth in India or the European Emperors’ wars have not made full the developments.There after some greenness of devololpments were appeared in Europe.The quest for inventions and machines,creative thoughts and the ambition to be the super power in the world made developments in Europe more easy.They proved them power right from 19th century beginning till the end of 20th century.

From a total destruction in the first and second world wars,The Eruopean counties were resurrected as a phoenix.Then the river of development reached in America.The great demand of Oil made the Arabian Sulthans.Subsequenty Astralia,Japan,Korea,and now the China and India are progressing.What do we understand from these? development is like river.The river changes the directions due to terrains.Then the devlopments appear at a different level.The present fiancial crisis is just terrains.

China and India will take many years to achieve the development.These are as the earth revolves.This will appear either here nor there.The capitalist countries and the multinational companies are utterly disappointed of the present financial crisis.It is simply unnecessary .Because the African countries will flouish soon after the Asian countries.This can’t be resisted or ignored. What are the basic requirements for the developments of African countries after Asian countries.

As the earth revolves some countries will perish and some others will be flourished.They must have wisdom,they must be educated.This should be taken care of by the capitalist countries and multinational tuphoons.

The African countries should be adapted by rich nations.They should be educated and employed. They should be led to this world of light from the entire darkness.The most dense continents in the world are Africa and Asia.According to the American censes the middle class people in India counts more than 35(thirty five)crores.On comparing with the total ratio of people in Europe,the world may face stunning truth.The middle class people in India live with an ordinarly house,and an ordinary car.The good food,luxury car,luxury villas and foreign tours etc are yet to come.What is the population of Europe which ruled the world for centuries.The present economic condition of India will have a drastic boost up when only the middle class people try hard and made profit.This is the reason for making India the best friend by other countries.Just loving each other may not help.Listen,the financial crisis will be as simple as a humming when all the countries work together for a common cause.

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New Waves in World Economy.[Forecasting and devices]