There were dance clubs in European and capitalist conutries a few years ago .A very small percentage of people were luxurious .But presently we have a different scenario. Years back, there were small scale ,large scale industries and agriculture. But what is happening now a days ? .Youths are much intersted in lap top ,mobile ,higher education ,TV live shows and dance clubs.Thus industry and agriculture are distroyed. Youths are moved to cities .The food and accommodation are in hotels . We are awaiting the imported food products and other instruments, from multinational monopolies . Thus the individual power with the youths were damaged .The present economic break down is due to the thoughts of youths .All are behind the education , empolyment and wealth at a faster pace. They are not bothered about the means.We must make aware the youths that life is not only the mobile and computer but industry and agriculture are equally important .We must provide an interst free loan [maximum 5%] free land and strong govenment societies for the commencement of industries .Then the multinational monopoly will have a gradual end .The world will have a proper view and industrial revolution.We shall make use of black money for this purpose.

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New Waves in World Economy.[Forecasting and devices]